
Brian Paltridge



English for Specific Purposes期刊编委、中国ESP研究顾问.

Professor Paltridge has taught English as a second language in Australia, New Zealand, and Italy and has published extensively internationally in peer-reviewed journals. His current projects include two books:Doctoral Writing in the Creative and Performing Arts (edited with Louise Ravelli Sue Starfield) to be published by Libri, Getting Published in Academic Journals (with Sue Starfield) to be published by the University of Michigan Press.

He has taught postgraduate courses in the areas of second-language teaching and learning, language curriculum design and methodology, research methods, discourse analysis, language for specific purposes, writing for publication and thesis and dissertation writing.


研究领域: 课程研究、外语教学方法、母语/二语习得、专门用途英语、语篇分析